Monday, March 31, 2014

Lenten Worship pt 2

Trying Something New

The idea of trying something new is at best a little scary in a church setting.  Churches are built on traditions and stories of Jesus who is 2000 years old.  There are a lot of traditions to deal with when attending a church.  

At Word of Peace we are Lutheran, and that means we have traditions.  We are in the midwest, so that means lots of Scandinavians.  And that also means resistance to change and new things.  But I am a person that likes to try new things.  I love to eat at the latest restaurant as well as frequent favorites.  I like to listen to new music and decide AFTER I hear it whether or not I like it.  I like to create, and in worship, I like to experience God in a way that will pull me slightly out of my comfort zone and challenge me to think about faith in new and different ways.

I do understand that not everyone is like that.  My worry is that people are so resistant to change in our churches they are even afraid to attempt something new or different.  I think they are afraid.  Afraid, they might just like it.

Our Lenten Chalkboard has been a new thing for us this Lenten season.  We built it specifically for our Lenten worship services and there were a large number of people that looked at me with a "you want to do what?" expression that was rather priceless.  

I assured them that we were not going to force people to come up but rather invite and encourage if they feel comfortable.  The results have been surprising!  

To be honest I was worried during the first Lenten Worship service how the board would be received.  Would only the confirmation kids in the congregation come up?  Would people write appropriate responses on the board?  What if no one understood what to do?

We are now three weeks into Lent and the people who originally were worried about the board are some of the first to come up and write on it.  Confirmation kids do come up in droves, but they are shoulder to hip with adults waiting for a piece of chalk.  

The most surprising aspect of the chalkboard has been the phrases and words written.  I spend a good portion of Wednesday night and Thursday just looking and reading how people completed the sentences started for them.  The best part...people are baring their souls in an somewhat anonymous public forum about their sins and how they experience God.  I am pulled into a time of prayer just looking at the board.  

Never would have I thought this would be the result of trying something new.  Never would I have believed that the people most concerned would be most ministered to.  I could have only hoped this would be the reception.  And now the door has open a small crack.  A seed of trust for doing something new has been planted and we are on our way to experiencing God in new and wonderful ways together as a congregation.

Here are some key things to consider when implementing something new into a worship service.

1.  How much of the service is going to be new?  Will it be a complete overhaul or changing a small number of things?  

My recommendation is to start with small changes.  The main part of our Lenten service (the Holden Evening Prayer) is the same.  We still have dramas, but go about it a different way and the chalk board is entirely new.

2.  Speak to people about what they like best/least about the worship service.

The only way to know how and what to change in a worship service is by talking to people.  If you have an idea of what to change and haven't asked if anyone agrees with you, then you might be the only one that thinks it's a good idea.  

3.  Explain in order to bring people along.

Don't just plop something new down in front of someone and say "go for it!" The immediate reaction will be fear and reservation.  Give people fair warning about the new worship element.  Prepare them at the beginning of the service while placing the element in the later half.  Invite people to participate.  Have something else happening like music, video or communion at the same time so no one feels pressured. 

Change is never easy or good just for the sake of doing something different.  There needs to be purpose and thought put into everything we do as a congregation.  Everything should be focused on or pointing people to the cross, because without the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we are nothing but lost sheep.

Blessings on your continued Lenten journey....Easter is coming.


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